
How To Update Chromium On Raspberry Pi

Google Chrome is one of the fastest and almost widely used web browsers for desktop computers. Due to some statistics Chrome is used on more than one-half of all PC's of the world. Since information technology is a opensource projection, yous tin get also Chrome for Raspberry Pi'south.

In this tutorial I volition show how to install Chromium on a Raspberry Pi.

In fact, Chrome is based on the open source projection Chromium. There is fifty-fifty an operating system called Chromium / Chrome Bone. This system is installed on many laptops (Chromebooks: US / UK). We tin can even run this operating system on Raspberry Pi's (check out reddit), but nosotros can also just install the Chromium web browser on our Pi's.

Basically there are ii options to install it on your Raspberry Pi. As long every bit you utilize a Linux distribution (Raspbian Wheezy, etc.) you tin can use both ways. For beginners or those who are just interested in installing it rapidly, the commencement way is more than recommended.

Install Chromium on your Raspberry Pi with apt-get

At showtime, we take to update our packages. Open up a final and type in:

sudo apt-get update

Then, you can install information technology also by using the packet managing director:

            sudo apt-get install chromium-browser --yeah          

Alternatively you can install the parcel chromium-browser instead of chromium.

That's all! If you are connected through SSH or not using the graphical user interface, you should start (startx). Otherwise y'all tin also plant a remote desktop connectedness. At present click the outset button and navigate to "Internet" where you will find the Chromium shortcut.

raspberry pi chrome start menu

Every bit you run into, the graphical interface is similar to Google Chrome's on desktop PC'due south:

chrome for raspberrypi

Install Chromium on Raspberry Pi's by using git

If you want to compile the Raspberry Pi Chrome (Chromium) Browser yourself, visit their Google Source repository where you tin as well check the code. The code is not available on GitHub, but that makes no difference for cloning and compiling the repository. But y'all should know that the files to download are most 15 gigabyte (later installing in fact 22 GB). This is why I recommend the showtime option, if y'all only want to install it quickly. If the installation above failed (for any reason) or you want to inspect / modify the lawmaking, this is how you can do it (you must take a Raspberry Pi Model 2B / 3, because the models before take not 4 kernels):

If you haven't already installed git, you lot have to install it first:

sudo apt-get install git

Adjacent, nosotros clone the whole repository to a specific binder, which we create and then go into this directory.

            sudo mkdir /opt/chromium cd /opt/chromium sudo git clone --depth 1          

Now y'all can check out the needed files (almost fifteen GB). Brand sure that your micro SD card (32GB or more than) has enough empty disk space.

            export PATH=$PATH:/opt/chromium/depot_tools nice fetch --nohooks --no-history chromium                      

Depending on your internet speed this step can have a while. Later on finished downloading all files, yous can compile the project.

            ./build/ gclient runhooks ./build/gyp_chromium -Dcomponent=shared_library -Dfastbuild=1 dainty ninja -C out/Release chrome          

If you have whatever problems while compiling it, please visit the chromium website first.

According to Wikipedia the most of the code of Chrome is contained also in Chromium, except of components like the Wink Player.

If yous have whatsoever questions or ideas, barbarous complimentary to enquire or mention it.


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